Records of William J. Bingham, Director of Athletics, 1925-1948 (inclusive).


Records of William J. Bingham, Director of Athletics, 1925-1948 (inclusive).

Contains the administrative records and correspondence of William J. Bingham, Director of Athletics, 1925-1932, and Director of Physical Education and Athletics, 1932-1951. Records include annual reports on the status and progress of various activities and other reports on such athletic programs as Intramural Sports and Freshman Physical Training, as well as schedules for team sports, travel information, and plans for athletic organizations and facilities. Also included is Bingham's correspondence with athletics directors from other universities, with students, and with other members of the Harvard Athletic Association. Several folders contain records of Bingham's interaction with the Varsity Club.

15.7 cubic feet in 45 containers


SNAC Resource ID: 8184893

Harvard University Archives.

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